Jim Langevin tweeted the following:
"Anti-semitism is never funny. The Holocaust and Anne Franks memory are not punch lines. Im glad that Atlantic Sports Bar has apologized for their revolting joke. But they should have known better than to have posted it in the first place. boston.com/news/local-new"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Jim Langevin:
"Thank you to everyone who joined me, virtually and in-person, to celebrate the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act!The disability rights movement is stronger when we are in the fight together.Here's to the next 32 years of progress!warwickpost.com/langevin-names" on July 27Read on Twitter
"Prices are rising, and Rhode Island families need relief. @HouseDemocrats have passed legislation like the Lower Food And Fuel Costs Act, the Affordable Insulin Now Act, and an expansion of the Child Tax Credit. And we'll keep fighting to lower costs. #PeopleOverPolitics" on July 27Read on Twitter
"When @SpeakerPelosi became Speaker of the House, we made an agreement.Since she would be presiding, she'd find a way that I could, too, and she installed lifts to make the rostrum accessible.12 years later, on #ADA32, presiding is just as special as it was then." on July 27Read on Twitter