Jim Langevin tweeted the following:
"Dear Carole Baskin,Thanks so much for writing to me about the Big Cat Public Safety Act.I am glad to report that I just voted for the bill, and it passed the House!Thanks for all your work on this important issue!Likewise, I think you, too, are one cool cat.Jim"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Jim Langevin:
"The military-style assault weapons used by the shooters in Uvalde, Atlanta, Sutherland Springs, Las Vegas, Buffalo, Orlando, Parkland, and Highland Park were all bought legally. Its time to get these weapons of war off our streets.I just voted to pass the #AssaultWeaponsBan."Read on Twitter
"All Americans deserve to receive the benefits they have earned. Right now, that is not the reality for millions of public sector workers. The #SocialSecurityFairnessAct would fix a loophole that unfairly slashes the hard-earned benefits of these workers. Lets get it done."Read on Twitter
"There are no longer wildfire seasons there are wildfire years.I'm voting for the Wildfire Response + Drought Resiliency Act because we must invest in our ability to respond to these disasters.The American people deserve an all-hands-on-deck approach to tackling this crisis."Read on Twitter