David Cicilline tweeted the following:
"Honored today to join @Gordonschool's #beyondcop21symposium.It's vital that we involve the next generation in this discussion of climate change & their future.I'm proud to have voted for the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce emissions by 40% by 2030 & will continue the fight."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from David Cicilline:
"Who better than @FLOTUS to help with the recruitment & retention of teachers?Thank you Dr. Biden for visiting and to all of Rhode Islands educators for all you do!Im working to make sure our educators have the tools & resources they need and deserve to best teach our kids." on Oct. 26Read on Twitter
"With todays actions, @POTUS and his Administration continue Democrats work to lower costs for everyone.By ending abusive fees that drain bank accounts, these new rules will save consumers billions per year.Thank you @chopracfpb and @linakhanFTC for leading this effort. twitter.com/potus/status/1" on Oct. 26Read on Twitter
"I categorically reject the latest UN Human Rights Council report on Israel. Instead of issuing this politically motivated, one-sided report, the Council should join the US in supporting lasting steps towards Israeli-Palestinian peace.Full statement cicilline.house.gov/press-release/" on Oct. 26Read on Twitter