David Cicilline tweeted the following:
"Congratulations to all of tonights Rhode Island Criminal Justice Hall of Fame inductees! Thank you for your service to our communities and state."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from David Cicilline:
"It's an honor to return as an @LGBTEqCaucus Co-Chair, and I look forward to working w/ our newest Co-Chairs @RepBeccaB, @RepRobertGarcia, & @RepEricSorensen. With threats against our community on the rise, we're ready to fight back & protect LGBTQ+ Americans across our country. twitter.com/LGBTEqCaucus/s" on Jan. 19Read on Twitter
"AG Garland could not have picked a better person than Col. Clements to lead DOJ's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.It was an honor to work with him as Mayor of Providence and now as a Member of Congress. I look forward to partnering with him in this new role." on Jan. 19Read on Twitter
"Those in glass houses businessinsider.com/15-house-repub twitter.com/SpeakerMcCarth" on Jan. 19Read on Twitter