David Cicilline tweeted the following:
"Thank you, @SpeakerPelosi. Today, were going to pass the #AssaultWeaponsBan. #PeopleOverPolitics"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from David Cicilline:
"Happy #NationalInternDay! Thank you to our wonderful Pawtucket and DC office interns for all you do in service to Rhode Island's First Congressional District!" on July 28Read on Twitter
"Another child was killed this week by an assault weapon.Every minute we wait, we put more kids at risk.We need to pass the #AssaultWeaponsBan now. twitter.com/ABC/status/155" on July 28Read on Twitter
"How dare you, @SenateGOP.Really? Denying our veterans cancer care because you dont like a completely different, unrelated bill that was introduced? Stop throwing a hissy fit & deliver for those who laid their lives on the line.Our veterans deserve so much better. #PACTAct twitter.com/RepMarkTakano/" on July 28Read on Twitter