Announcement | Announcement
Announcement | Announcement
The Richmond Town Council will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. at the Richmond Town Hall, 5 Richmond Townhouse Road, on the following:
Proposed amendments to Ch. 18.39 of the Richmond Zoning Ordinance, entitled “Comprehensive Permit for Low and Moderate Income Housing.” The amendments would remove requirements for comprehensive permit applications that are redundant because they already are included in the Land Development and Subdivision Regulations. The amendments also would make the ordinance consistent with recent amendments to the State Low and Moderate Income Housing Act.
Proposed amendments to Ch. 18.20 of the Richmond Zoning Ordinance, entitled “Dimensional Regulations.” The amendments would add dimensional regulations for buildings that are accessory to two-family structures in the R-3 zoning district; amend the language that describes buildings containing two dwelling units; and correct cross-references to other ordinance sections.
The public hearings will take place in Council Chambers and will be broadcast remotely on Zoom. The electronic link to the meeting is below. The link also is available in the open meetings database on the R.I. Secretary of State's website and on the Town of Richmond website, Those without access to video observation platforms may call in to listen to this public hearing by using the call-in phone number provided below. To speak during the public hearing, press *9 to raise your hand.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 890 1137 7495
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89219204705#,,,,*624929# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,89219204705#,,,,*624929# US (New York)
All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard on the proposed amendments at the public hearings. A proposed amendment may be altered or amended during the public hearing, without further advertising, as a result of further study or because of the views expressed at the public hearing. Any such alteration or amendment will be presented for comment during the public hearing.
Interested parties may examine or obtain a copy of the proposed amendments at the Town Clerk's Office, Richmond Town Hall, 5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Richmond, R.I., between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays.
Any person with sensory impairments who will require auxiliary aid during the public hearing must notify the Town Clerk at least 48 hours before the hearing by calling (401) 539-9000, ext. 9.
Erin F. Liese, CMC
Town Clerk
Original source can be found here.